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Henke Receives Small Business Environmental Stewardship Award
Small Business Environmental Stewardship Award announcements
Press Release
Contact: Sara Johnson, SBEAP National Steering Committee Chair
NH Department of Environmental Services
Phone: (603) 271-1379
The Small Business Environmental Assistance Programs have recognized Henke Manufacturing as the 2016 winner of the Small Business Environmental Stewardship Award. The company, based in Leavenworth, Kansas, was chosen by the SBEAP’s National Steering Committee.
Henke Manufacturing was recognized for its accomplishments in the areas of regulatory compliance, sustainability, advocacy, and collaboration.
The SBEAP’s National Steering Committee Awards are the country’s premier environmental awards for recognizing outstanding environmental performance, programs and individuals. The awards honor and recognize small businesses, individuals, trade associations and others who have made significant contributions to protecting the environment.
“Small businesses face many challenges in today’s business climate, so the NSC is pleased to be able to recognize the Henke Manufacturing for their efforts in going above and beyond in their compliance with environmental requirements. The SBEAPs are in place across the country to support small businesses; Henke is a strong example of the value that can come from a small business working closely with its state SBEAP” said Sara Johnson, SBEAP National Steering Committee Chair, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
T.J. Coyle, who accepted the award on behalf on Henke Manufacturing, thanked the NSC for the recognition of the hard work that was behind their success. The NSC Awards were presented at the 2016 Annual SBEAP Training in the Washington, D.C. area in conjunction with National Small Business Week, May 3-5, 2016.
Nice work, TJ!