The ONLY V-Box spreader with a replaceable conveyor cartridge for easy maintenance
Innovation changes the game! The replaceable cartridge in our innovative HXC Spreader is not only easier to service and repair, it also allows you to choose between an auger, dual auger, pintle chain or pure belt conveyor. This gives you the control and versatility you need for your specific materials and spreading applications.
Henke’s HXC Cartridge Spreader is easier to maintain and saves you money over the long haul.
All the best features in one robust unit
Unique multi-position cover/backplate. Henke’s UTS-9 features 4 different settings from fully closed to fully open in a 90º flat position. This gives you the easiest position to clean and maintain the 9″ auger/spreader unit.
Unique true float design eliminates binding and reduces chatter
The non-trailing, postless patrol wing design cuts through snow and ice more effectively than trailing style wings.
Postless Hydraulic Wing
Additional information on this product coming soon!
Drag and drop snow to keep driveways and intersections clear
The Henke Hi-Gate snow gate is designed to interrupt the material windrow for snow clearing past driveways, cars, and intersections in winter and reclaiming aggregate during summer operations.