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Henke is in the Zone of Totality
Eclipse2017: Henke is in the Zone of Totality in more ways than one! While we’re in the middle of the path for this year’s total eclipse, we have given NASA approved safety eyewear to our entire workforce. That’s Totality for All!
This is big to Henke, the last time we were in the path was 1918! If you can’t make it to the path of totality you can still safely view a partial eclipse and you can still enjoy totality through the eyes of NASA Television and NASA webcasts.
Viewers around the world will be provided a wealth of images captured before, during, and after the eclipse by 11 spacecraft, at least three NASA aircraft, more than 50 high-altitude balloons, and the astronauts aboard the International Space Station – each offering a unique vantage point for the celestial event.
NASA Television will air a four-hour show, Eclipse Across America: Through the Eyes of NASA, with unprecedented live video of the celestial event, along with coverage of activities in parks, libraries, stadiums, festivals and museums across the nation, and on social media. On the day of the eclipse go to, where you will be directed by default to the NASA TV broadcast. The broadcast starts at 12 noon EDT.