All you need to know in one place
Henke is proud to announce the promotion of Bill Norris to Parts and Customer Service Supervisor. Bill has been with Henke since October 2016 and has served in the Army and National Guard for over 20 years. He has extensive…
Welcome Dave Wooten to the Henke team. Dave has joined us a Parts Sales and Customer Service Representative. We are excited about Dave’s new role in our company as we have been re-tooling our Parts Department to be better than…
Hats off to the crews from CalTrans District 3 for making roadways safe, that's a Folding V Snow Plow in action on a John Deere Grader from our dealer Papé Machinery
Caught in action a Henke Parallel Lift Plow at work for Washington State DOT. Here's their crew working on SR 504 near Elk Rock Summit east of Toutle. They work hard to plow and/or treat roads all over the state. They…
Scott Grayson, Executive Director of APWA and CPWA recently competed in the Mid-America AWPA Conference and Roadeo. Henke's Parallel Lift Plow was featured on a Kansas City, Missouri truck built by American Equipment. We produced a short, fun entertaining video…
2017 Gold Award for Workplace Wellness! Henke has received the Healthy KC Certification for another consecutive year. This shows our commitment to creating a healthy work environment and making Henke a great place to work! Learn more @
Meet the REL Beast on our new YouTube video... Henke's heavy duty plow is now available with our mechanical float feature which makes plow operation easy as it follows rugged vertical terrain. Couple it with our swivel back plate and you…
Safety first is not just lip service at Henke, we recently celebrated reaching a big milestone ~ 1000 DAYS with no loss time due to accidents!!! In heavy metal manufacturing that’s a big deal. And to show appreciation to everyone…
Henke has added a new gun to the sales team, meet Josh Tollefson, our new Sales Manager for the Southeast Territory. Josh has related industry experience and an extensive background in heavy equipment, diesel engines, hydraulics and manufacturing. Originally from…
Eclipse2017: Henke is in the Zone of Totality in more ways than one! While we’re in the middle of the path for this year’s total eclipse, we have given NASA approved safety eyewear to our entire workforce. That’s Totality for…